President’s Message

We launched this Foundation to cater for the urgent needs that I have experienced and closely followed throughout my years of public responsibility. Indeed, the field of social service requires many contributors and institutions that provide guidance and heal the wounds of all segments of our society. At the forefront of these segments, I have strived to extend my care particularly to women who, despite their difficult conditions, signs of injustice and the silence they keep about their suffering, still uphold society with their great sense of motherhood and their immeasurable sacrifices.
It is a Foundation that embraces the social, health and livelihood problems and concerns of Lebanese and Arab women through practical projects aimed at diagnosing the needs and providing the necessary support. After careful consideration and investigation, I have chosen to dedicate the very first of these projects to women healthcare, as a fundamental pillar for her growth, protection and empowerment.
And here I am, today, placing in the hands of those who believe in active partnership in the field of social service, the project “Women Heart Health Center” (WHHC), dedicated to coronary heart disease in women. Lebanon, similarly to most Arab countries, lacks the basic preventive services likely to reduce the risks and the burden of this disease through screening and early detection. Neither does it have the proper healthcare services capable of fighting it, although it is the number one killer of women, both in Lebanon and around the globe (with more than 3,000 annual deaths registered in Lebanon). Indeed, in the report published lately by the World Health Organization, Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) proved to be the leading cause of mortality (45% of total deaths) in Lebanon. CVD was responsible for 56% of deaths among females, caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
Yaduna’s Women Heart Health Center, specialized in prevention and primary treatment, offers screening and diagnostic tests with its state-of-the-art services and novel technologies, and provides leadership and financial support in fulfillment of its mission and vision to promote women’s cardiovascular health.In addition to these tests aimed at early detection of coronary heart disease, the Center will also play a vital role in raising awareness about its dangers,identifying the risk factors in Lebanese and Arab societies, as well as undertaking research programs and providing adequate training for the medical staff to properly fight the disease. We will also undertake lobbying campaigns aimed at improving the legislations and standards of care and prevention of coronary heart disease.
Therefore, in order to implement the highest standards of clinical practice,WHHC collaborates with the American University of Beirut and Saint Joseph University in order to provide all the doctors, train the personnel, supervise the quality of the offered medical services, and undertake the necessary scientific research
This is not merely a personal vision, but rather a humanitarian commitment which requires partners who share this faith in the power of good, and in the right of all women to health and a decent life.
I am fully confident that the seed we are planting today in the soil of this project will grow, with the care of generous hands, into an edifice likely to reinforce the position of Lebanon in the domain of healthcare.
Wafaa Sleiman
Who We Are
Women Heart Health Center (WHHC) is a project under Yaduna Foundation, a non-governmental (NGO) non-profit organization founded on May 17, 2012 (ministerial number 364), representing the initiative of the former First Lady of Lebanon H.E. Mrs. Wafaa Sleiman to institutionalize and scale up her various social activities.
• Yaduna Mission: To empower underprivileged Lebanese and Arab women and improve their living conditions by providing quality services, raising awareness and spreading best practices.
• Yaduna Vision: To become a reference in women development, supporting them in achieving their full potential.
WHHC Activity Categories and Targeted Stakeholders

In parallel to the setup of Yaduna, Mrs. Sleiman launched a first project focused on women’s health. Upon reviewing the outcome of the women health needs in Lebanon and the region, and assessing the key findings emerging from research and interviews with policy-makers and subject-matter experts (joint effort between Booz & Co. and Yaduna), Mrs. Sleiman decided to adopt the concept of a “Medical Center for the screening and prevention of Coronary Heart Disease”: Women Heart Health Center (WHHC).
WHHC provides leadership and financial support in fulfillment of its mission and vision to promote women’s cardiovascular health.
• WHHC Mission: To improve women’s cardiovascular health and reduce burden of disease through awareness, prevention, screening, primary treatment and advocacy.
• WHHC Vision: To become a model of excellence in preventive and primary treatment of cardiovascular disease in women, regardless of their social and economic background.
By collaborating with academic teams from distinguished national universities and international organizations, the center will implement the highest standards of clinical practice and research.
By generating a comprehensive genetic and clinical database, the center will contribute to formulating a national strategy for prevention and improved care.
Other Activities of WHHC
Besides implementing the highest standards of clinical practice in medical and paramedical services, WHHC activities include the following:
• Awareness campaigns: helping prevent disease and promoting early diagnosis.
• Education: aiming at enhancing know-how and sharing best-practice standards between the various health service providers.
• Research: seeking to develop protocols and intellectual capital that aims to enhance prevention, detection and treatment of heart disease in women. By generating a comprehensive genetic and clinical database, the center will contribute to formulating a national strategy for prevention and improved care.
• Lobbying & Advocacy: allowing the amendment of legislation and regulations to ensure that underprivileged women have access to high quality health services.

protocols and intellectual
capital that aims to enhance
prevention, detection and
treatment of heart disease
in women
legislations and regulations
to ensure that underprivileged
women have access to high
quality health services
know-how and to share best-
practice standards between the
various health service providers
services according to the highest
standards of clinical practice for all
women over the age of 45, with
the exception of patients with
a previous history of Coronary
Artery Disease
and promotes early diagnosis
Organizational Structure
General Assembly
Mrs. Wafaa Sleiman-
Board of TrusteesMrs. Wafaa SleimanH.E. Dr. Adnan Al Kassar
H.E. Mrs. Leila Al Solh Hamade
H.E. Mr. Samir Mokbel
Dr. Antoine Sarkis
Dr. Samir Alam
Mr. Farouk Kamal
Dr. Francois Bassil
Mr. Georges Abou Jaoudeh
Mrs. May Ogden-Smith
Mrs. May Mikati
Mrs. Mona Sidaoui
Mrs. Rose Choueiry
Board of DirectorsMrs. Wafaa Sleiman (Chairperson)H.E. Mrs. Mona Ofeich (Vice Chairperson)Att. Fadi Karam (General Secretary)Mrs. Marie Mallat (Treasurer)
Dr. Antoine Sarkis
Dr. Samir Alam
Dr. Charbel Sleiman
Mrs. Mona Lahoud
Mrs. Zeina Karam
Mrs. May Ogden-Smith
Mrs. Mona Sidaoui
Mrs. Rose Choueiry
Mr. Pierre Salloum
Chief Executive Officer
Maintenance Services
External Audit
Executive Secretary
Awarness Outreach Lobbiying Advocacy Education
Laboratory Data
General Data
Women Heart Health Center
Clinical Assistant
Medical Committee Audit
Medical Specialists USJ-FM / AUBMC
Nursing Service
Laboratory Medicine Physicians
Laboratory Medicine Technicians
Diagnostic Radiology Physicians
Diagnostic Radiology Technicians
Para Medical
Dietetic Services
Social Service
Human Resources
Accounting & Finance
Internal Audit
Our Doctors

is in practice since 2011. He received his medical degree from the Faculty of
Medicine of Saint Joseph University in Beirut in 2004.
completing his residency in Internal Medicine and fellowship in General
Cardiology at Hotel Dieu de France hospital in Beirut, he traveled to Paris
where he fulfilled a fellowship in interventional cardiology at the European
Hospital George Pompidou and earned degrees in Interventional Cardiology and
Endovascular Treatment of Valvular Heart Disease from Paris Descartes
Dr. Allam joined Yaduna-WHHC medical staff since its inauguration in 2013.
“Caring for Lebanese women’s hearts at Yaduna-WHHC gives me the unique sensation of serving the generations to come”.
He acquired his medical degree at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences in the European Union (EU).
He then completed his internal medicine training and later obtained his general cardiology specialty at the AUBMC.
He started working at Yaduna on June 28, 2021
“Do your part, care for your heart!”

He acquired his medical doctor and
internal medicine degrees from the Lebanese American University (LAU) and then
completed his specialty in Cardiology at AUBMC.
He is a member of the Lebanese Society of Cardiology.
He started working at Yaduna on August 30, 2021
“No beauty shines brighter than a Healthy Heart”

She graduated in 2020 from Saint Joseph University, and then she completed a fellowship in Cardiac Echography and MRI at Hopital Marie Lannelongue, and Hopital Jacques Cartier in France.
She has diplomas in cardiac imaging and heart failure management.
She started in Yaduna on September
13, 2021
“In the era of
women empowerment, YADUNA offers the best support for their hearts…”
Tests Performed 56,493
Medical Coverage
- 57% of the WHHC population does not have any medical coverage (underprivileged women) and the Center covered their medical expenses
- 36% of the patients were covered by the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) and the Center covered the difference not supported by the Fund
- 7% of the patients were covered by Insurance Companies, Army, COOP, ISF and General & State Security
- In total, WHHC secured around 2M USD in direct financial support to help cover the medical expenses of more than 12,000 patient visits

On March 21 2013, a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) was signed with the American University of Beirut Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center (AUBMC-FM) and the Faculty of Medicine at Saint Joseph University (USJ-FM), in order to provide high-quality health services and proper staff training while benefiting from the Center’s services in scientific research.
The two universities were chosen given their expertise and pioneering
roles in cardiac care, medical education and research. They assisted in
the pre-commissioning of the Center, and will work hand in hand with
resident doctors; from personnel training to supervising the quality of
the offered medical services, to using the collected data in order to
undertake the necessary scientific research.
Lebanese Ministry of Public Health: Providing primary care services through WHHC
and through the “National Committee for the prevention of cardiovascular
disease”. This committee has been launched in collaboration between the
Ministry of Public Health and Yaduna in accordance with resolution No. 1/966
issued on May 28, 2015. The mission of this committee is to renew and intensify
the public health action targeting the prevention of heart disease.
Lebanese Ministry of Social Affairs: providing social services through WHHC
Lebanese National Social Security Fund (NSSF): coverage
Lebanese Public Service Co-operative (COOP): coverage
Lebanese State Security: coverage agreement
Internal security Forces (ISF): coverage agreement
Lebanese Army : coverage agreement
Lebanese General security : coverage agreement
Next Care : coverage agreement
Total Care Lebanon (TCL): coverage agreement
GlobeMed Lebanon: coverage agreement
Best Assistance: coverage agreement
We seek to develop protocols and intellectual capital that aims to enhance prevention, detection and treatment of heart disease in women.
WHHC collaborates with AUBMC-FM and USJ-FM in implementing the highest standards of clinical practice and research. The Center will generate a comprehensive genetic and clinical database thus contributing to the formulation of a national prevention strategy.