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« USE HEART KNOWS HEART » A Medical Day at Yaduna – WHHC
29 September 2023
On World Heart Day, YADUNA organized..
Discover more« USE HEART FOR EVERY HEART » a Medical Day At Yaduna – WHHC
29 September 2022
On World Heart Day, YADUNA organized a..
Discover more"Here’s to your Heart" An awareness campaign in collaboration with “Domaine Wardy”
8 October 2019
Under the theme “Here’s to Your Heart”Yaduna Foundation in collaboration with Domaine Wardy..
Discover moreThe Third National Campaign for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease is Launched
26 February 2019
Under the slogan "to shake your heart beats life"The third national campaign for the prevention..
Discover more
17 March 2022
2 August 2021
2 June 2020
We are living the most disruptive global menace, COVID-19 pandemic, which has radically changed the modes of human interaction and heralds most dire health economic and social consequences. As we enforce physical distancing, there is a pressing need to build and foster a strong human connection in order to alleviate..
10 February 2020
We already highlighted in previous newsletters the specificities of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women, which continues to be the leading cause of death among women in the world, accounting for ≈1 of every 3 female deaths.Awareness of CVD as the primary cause of mortality in women has been slowly increasing..
1 June 2019
Coronary Heart Disease continues to imperil global health with an unacceptable number of morbidity, consequential loss of life and the drain of world economies. It is justifiably prudent to address and target common and traditional risk factors and lifestyle practices as the root of causation and an effective way of..
10 October 2018
3 November 2017
Officialisée par les Nations Unies en 1977, la Journée Internationale des Femmes trouve son origine dans les luttes des ouvrières du début du XXe siècle, pour de meilleures conditions de travail et le droit de vote. C’est une journée de manifestations à travers le monde : l’occasion de faire un bilan sur la situation..
3 November 2017
3 November 2017
Dear friends,For more than four years, we’ve been joining our efforts with the help of the Board of Trustees members to successfully launch the mission of Women Heart Health Center (WHHC), an initiative by the Yaduna Foundation - intended for public benefit.Thanks to Yaduna’s affiliations with the Medical Center..
3 November 2017
16 March 2016
16 March 2016
16 March 2016
As we celebrate the achievements of YADUNA –Women Heart Health Center initiative to enhance heart health of Lebanese and Arab Women we must underscore: 1. The importance of discovering dormant and silent disease in otherwise asymptomatic middle aged women. Countless numbers of apparently healthy women were..
16 March 2016
Dear friends,Three years ago, your generosity allowed the launching of “Women Heart Health Center” (WHHC), in affiliation with Yaduna Foundation.This Center was established to reduce the mortality rate linked to heart disease in women, the leading cause of death in Lebanon and the world according to recentstatistics.The..
1 November 2014
1 November 2014
1 November 2014
Dear friends,More than a year ago, thanks to your generosity, we were able to establish the “Women Heart Health Center” (WHHC) affiliated to the “Yaduna Foundation”.As you already know, this Center was created to decrease the death rate from cardiovascular diseas-es, considered as the leading cause of mortality..
26 October 2013
26 October 2013
Dear Lebanese,I profoundly feel that it is my duty to standby your side as we strive to satisfy your most compelling social needs. I was assisted in determining these needs by the international consulting firm "Booz & Co" which has helped me to define an objective. Armed with this conviction and with the support..
7 June 2013
28 May 2013

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