WHHC Heart Health Journey

Taking an Appointment

Calling the Center or applying through the website and Facebook page.

Social Worker

The social worker will grant the women the needed coverage through a social study of her socioeconomic status.

Vital Signs & other measurements

Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Temperature, Oxygen Saturation, Height, Weight, done by a registered and trained Nurse.

Electrocardiography (EGG)

Recording of electrical signals as they travel through the heart, that can reveal evidence of a previous heart attack or one that is in progress.

Physical Exam

Physical examination and evaluation by a Cardiologist.

Laboratory Tests

Laboratory routine tests are done, most importantly the Lipid profile, Glucose level and important heart disease markers and indicators.


Ultrasound of the heart that produces images to determine the heart function and valvular abnormalities.

Pulse Wave Velocity

To measure the central blood pressure for early detection of arterial stiffness which has a strong correlation with cardiovascular events.

Chest X-ray

To check the size and shape of the patient‘s Heart and lungs

Coronary Calcium CT-Scan

To check for the buildup of calcium in the coronary arteries, known as the Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) Score.

Dietetic Service

Dietetic assessment, body composition analysis, administration of an individualized diet, follow up and counseling.

Smoking Cessation

Assessment of smoking status, CO level measurement, administration of products to help patient quit smoking, and behavioral therapy.
Note: Depending on the patient’s history, risk profile for coronary heart disease and physical exam, our cardiologist will order the necessary tests and services from the list of tests and services.